About roll & groove change

About roll & groove change

Writer:    Published:2010-06-18    Hits:1

        When to change rolls and grooves differs from one rolling to another, as each rolling line differs in process, understanding, habit and evaluation mechanism. The rundown tank has to take into consideration of not only external dimensions but also of surface roughness. Rough rolling mainly considers changes in materials and shapes. As online inspection on grooves of rough rolls is not convenient, the decision of groove change is usually made according to one's experience. As groove change is inconvenient, some rolling mills will not change their grooves until they have to. Such practice may result in instability of rolling and even accidents. Wear-and-rupture-resistant rough rolls are effective solution to such problem.

       A regular roll and groove change mechanism can facilitate stability of rolling, reduce scrap and improve rolling quality. Wear-and-rupture-resistant rough rolls are effective solution to such problem.